
Slusho! Slusho! Everywhere! (But, not a drop to drink)

While the face is recognizable ... The "Drink" is known only to die-hard Abrams fans.

Slusho! has been around since its first appearance on an episode of Alias in 2004 and is still growing in popularity!

A second siting of the frozen soft drink was seen during the trailer of Abrams' "mystery movie", worn by the brother of the lead protagonist, which spawned a nation-wide spread of T-Shirts, Laptops and Caps.

Televised "Heroes" fans may also remember seeing the drink referenced quite a few times.
Now, "word on the street" confirms that MTV obtained an interview with Abrams which claims Slusho! will make a brief appearance in his new Star Trek movie:

MTV: I couldn't help but notice the Slusho! reference from "Cloverfield" in the bar scene where Kirk first meets Uhura. Will we see other J.J.-isms peppered throughout the film?

J.J. Abrams: No. That was sort of the only one, and it was just sort of a goof.

"Live long and prosper."

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